5 min. read

How neutering can save the lives of thousands of cats and dogs

Barbara (Positive Pawprint Manager)
Picture of child holding dog.

The overpopulation of stray cats and dogs is a huge problem in some parts of the world. It leads to unnecessary suffering as homeless cats and dogs are often euthanised, neglected, or left to die of disease.

Every time you buy from us, you’re helping the Edgard & Cooper Foundation donate to incredible charity partners. These organisations are working hard to end the suffering of cats and dogs around the world. And thankfully, the impact they’re having is huge.

Picture of doctor holding cat.

Why neutering?

It's estimated that in 7 years’ time, 1 dog and her offspring can produce 508 puppies; and 1 cat and her offspring can produce 4948 kittens.* Sustainable, humane neutering programmes are vital for communities where the dog and cat populations are bigger than the capacity to care for them.

Neutering is the only way to ensure that numbers stay safe – so that cats and dogs are given the attention they need in poor communities where disease is rife. There is little support from government bodies in these areas, which is why we need to step in and help.

By donating 1% of all our sales to charities that run neutering programmes, the Edgard & Cooper Foundation can limit suffering. We’re often asked why we don’t focus on local charities, but the stray situation is at crisis point in other countries. Without intervention from non-government organisations, it’ll only get worse. Stray cats and dogs urgently need our care, and by reducing numbers in the hardest-hit areas we can save and improve the lives of thousands of pets long-term.

For example, there are around 80m strays in India. Research implies** that 85% of the population believe these animals should be killed - people are nervous of infectious disease and see no other way. While 50% of owners will abandon their pet at some point.

Feel-good facts from India

Without the help of charity organisations, ‘capture and kill’ is a common approach - even though it’s been prohibited since 1994. We began partnering with People for Animals (PFA), Dehradun in 2021 to develop their sustainable neutering project and improve the welfare of pets, and stray cats and dogs. The Edgard & Cooper Foundation has donated over €60,000 so far.

Learn more about PFA

Picture of stray dog in front of DAR van.

One of our new partners for 2022 is Dharamsala Animal Rescue (DAR). We began working with them this year to help the rollout of their humane neutering programme – minimising the suffering of cats and dogs in Dharamsala.

Learn more about DAR

What does a neutering programme involve?

As well as controlling overpopulation, neutering programmes help to control the spread of disease. The most common neutering programme is known as TNVR. This stands for: Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, and Return. It’s a humane way to reduce the number of animals on the streets in specific areas and improve the health of the current cat and dog population.

How TNVR works:

  • T = Feral cats and stray dogs are humanely captured. If they’re living in a colony, they’ll all be captured together.

  • N = The animals are transported to a veterinary clinic where they’re neutered to control reproduction.

  • V = They’re vaccinated in the clinic to reduce the spread of feline and canine diseases.

  • R = They’re released back into the colony territory where they came from or relocated, if necessary.

The benefits of controlling the stray population.

By neutering stray dogs and cats and returning them to their territories on the streets, populations naturally reduce over time. When there are fewer homeless animals for communities to support, their welfare is a lot easier to manage and maintain and we can help control the spread of fatal diseases, like rabies which kills around 25,000 people in Africa, and around 20,000 people in India each year.***

With fewer numbers to support, cats and dogs can be cared for properly – with better socialisation and more human interaction. Every cat and dog should get the attention and treatment they deserve.

Feel-good fact from Koh Lanta, Thailand

Lanta runs a shelter, outreach programme, and clinic out of Koh Lanta. Within this area, the neutering rate has increased by 50%, so their hard work is really paying off. In 2022 the Edgard & Cooper Foundation pledged €15,000 to replace their van which is crucial for the outreach program. This donation will help them to reach their target of 80% sterilisation which will help to stabilise the dog & cat populations in the area.

Learn more about Lanta

Picture of cats and kittens running around in Lanta shelter.

How does neutering help pet owners?

Neutering pets in poorer communities helps pet owners by:

  • Reducing unwanted litters, and the number of strays living short and miserable lives.

  • Females no longer have a heat cycle, which means they attract less unwanted attention from males.

  • Male dogs are less likely to wander off an owner’s property, if they‘re not driven by hormones - so there’s little need to tie them up.

  • Neutered male cats and dogs don’t usually compete with each other, so fighting injuries are less common.

Feel-good fact from Cape Town, South Africa

40m South Africans rely on animal welfare organisations to support their pets. The Cluny Animal Trust (CAT) is a mobile charity that helps owners who can’t afford treatment. They go out and about to vaccinate, neuter, and give cats and dogs on the outskirts of Cape Town the medical care they need. In their district the confirmed rabid cases are more than 40x lower than in neighbouring areas. The Edgard & Cooper Foundation has donated €6,000 to keep both their trucks running, so the life changing clinics can continue their work.

Learn more about CAT

Picture of 'The Cluny Animal Trust' volunteers in South Africa vaccinating puppies.

Can you reduce future health problems by neutering?

There are some potentially fatal health conditions and diseases that cats and dogs can contract or develop when they’re intact and breeding. These include: pyometra, TVT, and reproductive cancers.

When an animal is neutered, these risks lessen. In fact, research suggests that animals who’ve been neutered at an early age can live longer, healthier lives: an average lifespan that’s 1-3 years longer for dogs, and 3-5 years longer for cats.****

Feel-good fact, Tanzania, South Africa

AfriPaw run monthly Pet Clinic days and large neutering campaigns in Cape Town. These initiatives give pet owners the chance to become more responsible for their animals, free of charge. The Edgard & Cooper Foundation have pledged €20,362 to cover the costs of the campaigns and Pet Clinic days for 1 year - helping up to 7,000 animals.

Learn more about AfriPaw

Picture of volunteers at AfriPaw washing a dog in tub outside.

By supporting our charity partners with their TNVR programmes, we’ll help reduce the stray population and the spread of infectious diseases. It’s thanks to our wonderful customers that the Edgard & Cooper Foundation is able to donate 1% of all our sales! Together, we can give cats and dogs around the world a much brighter, happier future.

Sources: *https://www.snapus.org/spay-neuter-facts-overpopulation-facts **https://strayanimalfoundationindia.org/ ***https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201209/how-many-dogs-are-there-in-the-world ****https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/why-you-should-spayneuter-your-pet

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We donate 1% of our sales to the Edgard & Cooper Foundation, which works with charities that improve the lives of cats and dogs today, while protecting them tomorrow.